Free translation based on "Deine Rechte bei drohender Gefahr"
If you feel in immediate danger, call 112. Members of the Police are specially trained to deal with these situations and help you get support.
Act on Civil Law Protection against Violence
protective orders
If you or your children have been victims of domestic violence, you can apply for protection orders from the general civil courts according to §823.
child custody
If you separate from your partner because of violence to protect yourself, you can then apply to the family court to transfer temporary sole custody. In addition the court may order that a father's Visitation Rights to stopped.
Apply for information blocking in the population register
The application can be made in writing or in person by appointment with the authority. By submitting the application, you must present facts and credibly demonstrate why you may be at risk to life, health, personal freedom or similar interests worthy of protection by providing information. Such forms are available, for example, at
Pursuant to § 238 I StGB, stalking in Germany is a criminal offense punishable with a fine or with a term of imprisonment not exceeding three years.