Translation based on the German version "Der Ablauf einer Gerichtsverhandlung"
1. The case is opening
2. Witnesses are instructed about their rights and obligations, and the court determines whether they have the right to refuse to give testimony. The witnesses then leave the courtroom.
3. Questioning the accused: The accused is questioned about his personal circumstances. Then the prosecutor will read out the charges and the accused being given an opportunity to comment on it.
4. Examining witnesses and presenting evidence: Testimony from people including you. Exhibits including: conduct site visits, Photographs, Voicemail, video recordings...
5. Plea: The judge will then explain the criminal charges against the defendant and the potential sentences and penalties associated with the offense. The defence can also make submissions regarding the sentencing guidelines. The accused gets the last word.
6. The Court shall deliberate in private: The jury must decide if the defendant is guilty or not guilty.
7. Announcing the Verdict:
Possible results
- Custodial sentence
- Fine
- Community sentence
- sentencing on probation
- The defendant appeals
- Acquittal
8. Instructions on Right of Recourse: The accused shall have the right to conduct his own defence or to avail himself. The accused may to file a request for revision .
9. The negotiation ends